07971 651 326 me@henrylandon.com

While at Millennium Models LTD I worked with Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP) on the new Geneva Airport west terminal. During this period I worked as the Project Manager running a team of seven to deliver a 1:200 scale model of the highest quality. This Model was a fully lite and animated model of the challenging design, using Rhino I designed the model which required me to completely remodel the airport.

The super-structure was particularly unusual; 3D prints had to be CAD’ed and printed using an Object Printer to support the building which floated off the surface of the airport. This deign allowed a road to operate below the terminal delivering passengers from the planes to the terminal building in buses.

The structure of the model was designed by me to cantilever of the plinth by 1/3 of its total length in ether direction of the center line. Measuring 3486mm by 1660mm was the maximum size we could make the model due to the maximum size of acrylic sheet available to make a 6mm display case cover the model.

Due to be displayed in Geneva Airport from the 17 of March 2016, keep an eye out for it if you pass through the Airport in the next year.